28 July 2009

Am I wide Awake?

Am I sleeping?

Sara and I were talking in the car tonight. We just feel off about the passed couple of days; and most people I've been encountering agree.

It's a cross between feeling like you've just woken up and you're almost asleep.

My last few days at the Children's Village in Backdoor, there was an off set feeling. In every room I was in their was unrest. In a matter of six hours I encountered so many weird things and feelings from other people that I was to this point of "chill" let's just all hang out and be merry. But something was definitely off. I began to tell Megan about everything I keep walking into and how I probably should be stressed out but I can't manage that feeling at this given time. After about an hour of explaining everyone's problems of the day, we just sat there. Both of us, which isn't always our first instinct, collectively decided to pray.

I mention this story because we sometimes forget what we are designed for and why. We are allowed to feel emotions. But we are also allowed to let things go.

I want to Exist.

But I want more than just existing.



it's time

19 July 2009

I'm a stranger in my own house

Introductions series: Part One

I officially know where nothing is in my house. this is strange.

This morning, I am drinking a glass of my Rooibos tea and realizing I feel strange. I don't feel like I should be here but at the same time I do.

Maybe once I finish unpacking and making things my own. Maybe then it'll all kick back to normal. I haven't had the time to even sit for long lengths of time. Went to ashley's wedding. Crazy. I had the best date though, another wedding tonight, my wedding is also pretty sweet. Meet Jessi Duke: Best date, Best friend, Best roommate. She's pretty great. Our toes look cute and smudged. Dang.

I am in the mood for introductions and not goodbyes.
Meet Lucia, Kayla, and Edgar: beautiful family, beautiful hearts, beautiful souls.

Meet Ben: I'm a fan

Meet my best friends: Lor and Erica. We go on adventures and cause trouble. So you go hide and I'll come seek and maybe someday in the middle we just might meet. Words by matt wertz, listen up girls. :)

More introductions to come soon.

As our hearts cry out, we wait and listen for the Maker to create a kingdom that we will never deserve. His grace is sufficient and full.