06 April 2011

Michael Children's Village: Joy

"In me, in you. Orphans, kingdoms Wide eyes and paper crowns.Time will hold us, Time eroders .We're wrinkling children now. 
              -Brook Fraser, Orphan's, Kingdoms"

As you fill my heart with gladness
and pour out your unabounding love

you reveal
you restore

you're people
are overtaken by you. 

and I am left in awe
of the wonder of you 

above all,

My God
you are 

Michael Children's Village. You are a place that is covered with joy. You are a place that is armed with healing. You are a place that is flowing with restoration.  Your dwelling is laced with beauty and holds the heart of the father. I'm beyond blessed.

Two years ago MCV was just a framework. There were no children roaming the property and no house parents to take care of the children that  now run around with white-toothed smiles and constant laughter.  Two years ago, Jean and Teisa Nicole were asked to take apart of this vision and run wild with it. Two years ago, I and a few others had the opportunity to take part in the vision and physically see results. From painting the houses, from home visits, to actually stay on the property and praying that the God of Peace continues to roam freely there and that spirit of safety will be within the outline of the place and in the homes.

Now, the place has been up and running for almost 2 years and I had the opportunity to go back. It was so great to actually see how far MCV has come. 

This place is joy even with all of the bad that surrounds these kids lives, internal and external.

One day, Kasia (a girl that stays at MCV) and I were sitting in the Visitor center doing who knows what and hear a knock at the door. Which is nothing out of the ordinary. Kasia answers the door and immediately dies laughing. 

I rush to the door to find these two boys dancing away. They had taken palm brances for the trees and were tribal dancing, or their version of tribal dancing. Although Kasia and I encouraged them to take the shirts of to be more "ethnic." I laughed for quite a while and it this set the setting for the week. 

more stories to come.


1 comment:

kelly ann said...

these photos are truly special. lovelovelove. <3

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