18 January 2013

absence makes the heart grow fonder.


sorry for my absence been a complete whirlwind. I feel like the new year means the opportunity to start fresh. But then life doesn't always happen to work like that. I was behind before it started. 

I got to work early today so I could get caught up. Grabbed coffee for the birthday girl, my boss and myself. It all seemed like smooth sailing. I did my first styled shot of the day and it was a breeze. As I was sifting through pictures to edit,  I made a major mistake. I photographed the artwork in its packaging.  Thought to myself, no biggie, I will just do it again. I photographed it again. What did I do? I made the exact same mistake Again!!!

Needless to say, that's been my year so far. 

After this weekend--fingers crossed, I should be back to speed. I have so much to tell you. Lot's of secrets. Get excited. 

Happy Friday! 

The new Stuffed magazine came out. This shot makes me so happy. This artist is pretty great, I love her whimsical characters. 

1 comment:

Jennifer Jackson Taylor said...

Awww, Sam, thanks so much for the plug. And it happens, thanks for sharing your story on shooting the same piece twice in it's packaging. haha.

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