17 April 2012

April showers and flowers

Saturday, I was privileged to see one of my dearest friends marry the man of her dreams. Their story is a love story for the books. I got my haircut, got to tell their story. I love getting to tell people about her story.  Ashley and James were absolutely beautiful. Ash is one of those  refreshing brides. Shoot, I'd want to marry her. she is naturally a detailed person. Everything she touches turns to gold and looks lovely. Any stressful situation that might seem like a problem. Her response, "I don't care, I'm getting married."  After all the raining the day/night before.... the day of was gorgeous, I couldn't dream of anything better considering the circumstances from the day before. After the wedding we spent the rest of the night celebrating with a backyard reception. Mexican food and wine ALL night long. I am betting I ate more than anyone at the wedding, two full plates of food ended up in my belly. Sadly, it was a problem when it came to dancing. April 14, 2012 is a new chapter in a beautiful love story. Here are some pictures from the day. Enjoy 





1 comment:

JP said...

I'm jealous of you. I barely got a plate of food. I still think about that day and wish I could have had more, even if that's not the most important thing to remember about it.

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