05 July 2013

Independence Day

To all the American's out there, I'm hoping you're Independence day was fabulous and you had glimpses at how lucky you really are. Aside from all the negative of the country and silly politics and scandals. There is something we still have in some fashion or another. Freedom. I hope you're wearing that. Because aside from it all, we're still luckier than most. 

America makes prodigious mistakes, America has colossal faults, but one thing cannot be denied: America is always on the move. She may be going to Hell, of course, but at least she isn't standing still. 

e. e. cummings 

Okay, I'm finished with my rant. 

Living in South Africa, I'm not without anything, really. But you start missing familiarities or certain ways of life.  For instance, I miss sno cones, ranch dressing and marshmallows. Strangely enough South African marshmallows tastes different. You start missing all sorts of things you never thought you'd miss.  Silly, things like knowing that if you left your cell phone at a restaurant there is a 95 percent chance that someone would turn it in. It's that mindset that you start missing. Not that it doesn't happen in America. But maybe I'm just more blinded by it. 

I'm sure I'll compile a lis sooner or later.

Have a safe weekend. 

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